Wellness Wednesday: Finding Your Sweet Spot – Leadership, Growth and Development

By Megan Ejack, Director of Marketing & Communications

It’s no secret that this year has been a time of great perspective and growth. There have been many challenges to face, both personally and professionally, for all of us.

Even before the pandemic hit, our team was entrenched in a massive phase of growth and development. We had just begun to make advancements in our leading-edge legal tech services with the introduction of our e-trials, e-arbitrations and other virtual service platforms, followed by the exciting launches of All-Star by Reportex and now Island by Reportex. In integrating these new partnerships and services our team has nearly tripled in just over a year. It’s been a little wild. There have been hurdles, no doubt (not the least of which has been COVID-19), but as we navigate all the twists and turns of this journey, there is one integral piece of the puzzle: mindset. 

Mindset is everything. It helps hold our focus on days that may feel out of control, and it helps us to try and stick to the big picture of what we are hoping to achieve, even in the face of overwhelm. Learning to cultivate a growth mindset is what has been helping us stay true to the developing Reportex vision.

But with a growth mindset comes accountability. Accountability to our team to provide the structures and support to sustain that growth; a responsibility to our clients to continue to produce a high standard of work and strive for both excellence and accessibility; and a commitment to our industry to continue to work together, create sustainable work and seek out and recruit talented professionals in all sectors of our business. No easy feat.

As we work together to evolve, it is critical to continue to build our team infrastructure to keep up with the day-to-day challenges, and as the pandemic progresses, the necessity of balancing the emotional impact becomes a major priority. Leadership teams all over the world are navigating new waters in engagement, empathy and understanding. We are all responding to these circumstances in a myriad of ways, and ensuring there is a very personal, human element combined with the professional focus of our business has proven to be crucial. We all need support in different ways. For us, part of this vital support system comes in the form of a powerful, dynamic, magical human — our leadership coach, Mary Crayston

Mary is an executive well-being coach and mindset expert who has been working with our leadership team to develop and implement a big-picture strategy. Through Mary’s guidance we’re committed to this long-term vision through finding balance, setting goals, encouraging accountability and creating team values.

Growth is not an overnight endeavour — I assure you we’re striving to earn our leadership every day — but we’re getting there! Our team is becoming strong and focused, and we’ve invited Mary to partner with us to provide support and continue to foster a culture of development.

Over the next little while Mary will be sharing some of her insight and coaching hacks for Wellness Wednesdays. We hope that her tips and tricks will also help you and your teams to cultivate a growth mindset and that these gems of expertise will contribute to a stronger, healthier industry.