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Connect Series: Meet Bonnie Pigeon

Centrepoint Bonnie

In 2010 after a lengthy career as an advertising consultant in print media in Calgary, Bonnie and her husband made the move to Kamloops, where she took on the position of corporate and government sales manager for Hotel 540. During that time the Centrepoint mediation and arbitration centre was developed, and she took over its management. There she met Marina Hopkins, and in December of 2020 she accepted the role of scheduling/administrative coordinator for Kamloops Reporting Services.

When not busy scheduling discoveries or printing and binding transcripts from her home office, Bonnie takes advantage of the Kamloops climate with activities that include gardening and kayaking, and she also enjoys getting crafty with macramé and painting. She loves to spend time with her two granddaughters, Sofia and McKenzie, when she can too.

You have been doing the whole work-from-home routine for a while now. Do you have any tips or tricks on how you stay focused and organized?

Yes, I have worked from my home office in a previous position, so it is not new to me, and it does have its advantages. I manage to stay focused, and I find I accomplish more because there are fewer distractions than there would be in a busy work environment. I have no kids or pets at home to distract me, so it is just me. I do miss the face-to-face interaction with co-workers and clients, but I find that if I have all the required tools and technology to accomplish my work, I’m okay with that. I am not averse to talking to myself!

You may have noticed that we have been talking quite a bit about wellness on our blog and internally through our Slack channels. Do you have a favourite way to recharge or any tips for staying mentally and physically healthy?

I’m not as physically fit as I once was when running or going to the gym was part of my daily routine, but I do walk on a daily basis, and in the summer months I like riding my bike or kayaking — those activities recharge me. For a mental escape I enjoy cooking — getting into the kitchen and creating something yummy (and healthy) is my go-to when I need to relax. I also recently took up macramé, which I find not only mentally relaxing but also fun since I get to create something with my hands, and this has really helped me during the COVID shutdown. COVID made me rethink my leisure time and need for hobbies.

At Reportex our core values of team, mentorship, equality, community and industry are central to what we do. Which of these values resonates most strongly with you and why?

Although they are all important core values, I think “mentorship” resonates most with me. As we mature in our lives and careers, I think it is essential that we share our learnings and experiences with our younger co-workers, friends and family. There is so much knowledge to pass on that it would be a shame not to share with and guide those just starting out in their careers. I have had several mentors throughout my life, both professionally and personally, and I appreciate and value each one of them.

Thank you, Bonnie, for sharing a little bit about yourself. We are happy for you to be part of the Reportex family. And we also love your thoughts on mentorship and sharing our knowledge and experiences.  Fostering success for individuals and organizations through the advancement of literacy, education, and mentorship opportunities is indeed one of the core values that we strive to focus on every single day.