All three of our locations (HQ in Vancouver, All-Star by Reportex in New Westminster and Island Reporters in Victoria) will be reopening for in-person proceedings on Monday, July 6th, 2020
We can’t wait to welcome you back!
Here are a few of the things we are implementing to keep everyone safe while at Reportex:
What to expect before your proceeding…
Clients, witnesses and onsite staff will all be screened for new symptoms before every job, through a self-questionnaire (either via email or onsite). Anyone exhibitingfever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, new muscle aches or headache will be asked to leave.
Start times will be staggered to avoid congestion in our reception areas.
At Reportex HQ we are currently utilizing boardrooms on three floors. You will receive detailed instructions the day before your proceeding, which will direct you to your specific floor.
Sanitization & Protection…
We have installed plexiglass shields in boardrooms and at reception to provide additional comfort and protection.
A supply of hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and disposable face masks will be readily available in our offices at all times for clients, witnesses and staff. Please consider wearing a mask while in our offices.
Our extensive disinfection procedures will include cleaning all common touchpoints and surfaces every 30 minutes (outside boardrooms).
Once your proceeding concludes, the boardroom will be sanitized thoroughly in preparation for the next proceeding.
During your proceeding…
Please comply with any signage in the boardrooms.
Congregating will not be permitted in common/reception areas or at food serveries, and break times will be staggered as much as possible to avoid congestion in the common areas/washrooms.
Videoconferencing equipment will be available in every boardroom at each location to accommodate any remote attendees (and our remote proceedings technicians will be available to assist).
We will not be requiring witnesses to hold a bible when they are sworn in. Witnesses may bring their own bible, or we will disinfect a bible prior to use if required.)
Food Service…
We’re working on a solution to provide our mediations with Chef Nye’s extraordinary catering! Please stay tuned for further developments.
In the meantime, individually packaged snacks and bottled water will be available for your enjoyment. You are also welcome to bring your own beverage/food.
Meet our Marketing & Communications Director, Megan Ejack. Megan joined the team in March 2019, and has since been an amazing asset to the Reportex team. Megan is known for her strong leadership and interpersonal skills and endless creativity.
A highly experienced visionary with a background in dance, communications and strategic planning, Megan previously worked at TLABC for 12 years as their Development Director.
When not at the office, Megan enjoys football, travel, sunshine and wine and is currently working towards her certification at the acclaimed International Sommelier’s Guild (ISG).
We recently interviewed Megan on our theme of ‘connection’ and to see how she was making out during these challenging times. Here is what she had to say:
How have you found meaningful ways to connect with your work during these challenging times?
I feel incredibly grateful to be able to keep working, albeit a little differently, but it has also been very intense to lead a team, with my colleagues, through this crisis. I’ve found that the key is balance. People are looking to you for answers and assurance, and there is a huge push to adapt quickly and keep the business running, so you have to try and remain calm and focused even when things are in chaos around you. There have been days when putting on a brave face has taken everything I have. But knowing that what we’re doing really does matter and is helping the whole industry keep running feels amazingly gratifying.
I have found some solace in my role as Mktg & Comms Director, because it’s my job (even in normal times) to find ways to connect with our team, our clients and our industry. But these days, I get to be a little more creative! In many ways, I have found inspiration in new platforms to use, in connecting through our social media and our marketing efforts, as well as checking in with our team as much as possible.
It helps to have the greatest team beside you, for the good days and the hard ones… and wine, wine helps too.
Have you found a way to connect with your community during these challenging times?
Despite being isolated on my own, I’ve been really grateful for what I affectionately have been calling my morning and evening freedom walks in my neighbourhood. I live in Kitsilano and I like to walk down to the beach. As I pass my neighbours who are doing the same, it has been nice to slow down and take the time to say hello or good morning more than usual… and the faces are becoming familiar, it really feels like a community now.
Although it has always been part of my life, I feel that I’ve also been really focused on shopping and supporting local. There are so many new options for delivery and services coming out of this, it’s easier than ever to support my neighbourhood restaurants and businesses. I imagine that there will be a huge focus on continuing to support, shop and travel locally and prioritize supporting our Canadian economy.
Also – the Facebook group “What do you see from your window” has been a shining light joining people from across the world – all of us existing in this same pandemic! Really cool.
How have you connected with yourself during these challenging times?
It has been more important than ever to really listen to my body and soul as we navigate our health, the media, business, family, fear, anxiety and the whole range of emotions every day. I carve out the time to meditate each morning and afternoon and to move my body, even if it’s just a short walk or some yoga.
I’ve also been fueling my mind with productive and positive things to combat the fear and uncertainty. I’ve been focusing on developing my leadership skills through the ‘Masterclass’ app and I’ve also been reading a lot – my recent favourite is ‘Untamed’ by Glennon Doyle.
Speaking about connection generally, is there something specific that inspires you about this idea?
Everything about connection inspires me. Understanding how we are all interconnected and how we connect to our own selves in this world is truly all there is.
Wellness Wednesday withChristy Pratt Reportex President, Owner and Realtime Reporter Christy Pratt talks about leadership, self-reflection and ‘the new normal‘.
Three months ago when Reportex closed its offices and moved all but one of our team members offsite, we had no idea how long any of this would last or what the world would look like when we came out the other side. This pandemic has tested my leadership chops like no other event. With over 90 staff and contractors relying on me to get it right, I didn’t have the luxury of losing my footing or wallowing in self-doubt. I spent the entirety of March 20/21/22 having private Zoom meetings with each of my staff and reporters (roughly 50 people), putting a game plan in place so we could weather this storm of unknown duration together, as a team, while ensuring that everyone’s needs would be met. It was a scary, uncertain time for everyone, and the courage, understanding, flexibility and resiliency of my team buoyed me in profound ways.
Despite the many challenges brought about by COVID-19, this has been a time of tremendous reflection and growth for many of us. We all find ourselves re-entering a world that isn’t quite as we remember it. In speaking with our team members across Reportex, All-Star by Reportex and Island Reporters, I have learned that the idea of a return to “normal” is different for everyone. While many feel ready to leave the confines of home, others are feeling trepidatious. My team’s safety and wellbeing was front of mind for me when we entered this pandemic, as it will continue to be over the coming months.
When we first started isolating at home back in March, I like everyone found myself adapting to a somewhat new way of working. As a court reporter I’m very used to working on transcripts from anywhere in the world, but as a business owner I was very accustomed to conducting meetings in person. Technology is an incredible gift, and I rely heavily on it in both my personal and professional life, but it didn’t take me long to realize that ‘Zoom fatigue’ is real. I’ve never stared at my own image as much as I have these past few months, and a couple weeks ago I clocked 20 hours on Zoom in two days. At the end of that week I was out of words, and for those of you who know me, that is a very rare phenomenon.
On days when I wasn’t Zooming for days, I took some time to really examine the pace I’ve been maintaining these past few years. I’d been doing back-to-back realtime trials of huge complexity for the better part of ten years straight, and when I wasn’t in court, I was doing my other day job of running Reportex, including overseeing three expansions, hiring 20 new team members and acquiring two other reporting firms, all in the past 18 months.
The forced slow-down afforded to me by the pandemic gave me the space I needed to breathe and reflect, and it didn’t take me long to realize that what I thought was a healthy norm for me pre-COVID was, in many ways, anything but. I’ve always been extremely driven and my mind has always moved at Mach 8, but these past few months have allowed me to realize that if I dial back my enthusiasm to, say, Mach 6, I’m even more effective and productive than I was before.
Once this realization smacked me in the face, I decided to set some intentions for myself in an effort to create a new normal that wasn’t so exhausting and that allowed me space in my day to breathe, observe and be present. Now more than ever I want to achieve that illusive concept of “balance” I’ve been hearing so much about all these years. I still want – need, really – the thrill of the rush, but I also need the symmetry. And most of all I want to master the art of self-care, which is what will ultimately create the space I need to blend harmony with hustle.
My intentions are by no means novel (I’m sure they appear in some form or other in the memoires of highly effective humans that I’ve been meaning to read), but I designed them in a way that I knew would resonate with me. At 46, it’s unlikely I’m going to completely overhaul my life, so I needed to be crafty. Here are a few of my favs:
Mindful Mornings. No more hitting the ground running the second I wake up. I’m slowing things down, meditating, enjoying my coffee and preparing for my day. The emails and messages can wait.
Soulful Nights. No more crashing into bed after working 14-hour days week after week. I could easily work till midnight every night if I wanted to (and I did for years), but I no longer want to. Instead I’m wrapping up work by 7:00 and I’m spending my evenings cooking, reading and reflecting on my day with gratitude (and a slightly smoky single malt).
Stop, breathe, trust. This is easily the most rewarding shift I’ve made as a leader, and it’s definitely been the most difficult to execute. Stopping myself from diving right in, taking a beat to take a breath and trusting that I’ve been clear in my instructions and expectations, eliminating the need for repetition and reminders. This is where the real magic happens in creating calm days and where I’ve really been able to carve out space for myself.
I’m delighted that we are introducing ‘Wellness Wednesday’ into our weekly blog content, as I think this topic is extremely important. I know I’m not alone in this period of self-reflection, and as we move forward it is my hope that we will all continue the healthy habits we’ve created for ourselves during this strange time. We went into this crisis together, and we will come through it together, hopefully a bit happier and lot more harmonious.
Meet our Business Development Director, Erin Monahan. Erin joined the team in August 2019, and has since been an awesome asset to the Reportex team. Erin is known for her positive attitude and strong work ethic.
A highly experienced planner with a background in meetings and events, Erin has a varied background and worked as an education director (8 years at TLABC), actress, waitress and assistant cruise director, prior to joining the Reportex team.
When not at the office, Erin enjoys reading, hiking, knitting, travelling and all things that involve wine.
We recently interviewed Erin on our theme of ‘connection’ and to see how she was making out during these challenging times. Here is what she had to say:
How have you found meaningful ways to connect with your work during these challenging times?
This I have to say for me has been the most challenging. While the world is generally embracing Zoom as a way to connect with friends and family that we can’t see in person, I have found I am experiencing “Zoom fatigue”. Work relies quite a bit for me to be on Zoom meetings (which I know is common for everyone working from home) but I find at the end of the day and on weekends I lack the energy or desire to sit in front of my computer. I really do prefer the face to face interactions, and while we are incredibly lucky to be experiencing this in a time where we do have access to technology, it is still just not the same for me.
Have you found a way to connect with your community during these challenging times?
Not as much as I would like to, for the reasons above. However, I have made a commitment to support local business for all my needs. I had to replace my Blundstone boots recently (I walk quite a bit, and good walking shoes are an essential for me) and I made sure to find a local business that I could purchase them from rather than ordering online.
How have you connected with yourself during these challenging times?
I have started to really recognize what I need in order to feel balanced. During the first few weeks of social isolation, I essentially just hid from the world. I worked (from home, obviously) in my “yoga pants” and was intentionally inactive. I was not sleeping well, had quite a bit of anxiety building up, felt listless and uneasy. It came to a breaking point when I had to take a mental health day and made a point not to look at any screen (especially social) media. I very quickly realized that I need exercise, and a routine, to stay sane. I do not allow myself to “work in my pj’s”. Every morning I shower, blow dry my hair, and put on “real clothes” for the workday. I only allow myself to wear yoga pants on the weekend, as that is the reward for a week of hard work. I also started running, which is an activity I have always avoided in the past because I had convinced myself that I did not like it. I found that not only I do like it (quite a bit!) but it is essential for my mental health to get out there and get my heart rate up. I have also found that when I feel the anxiety start to build, a good run or bike ride tends to shake out the anxiety and get me back on track.
Speaking about connection generally, is there something specific that inspires you about this idea?
I find this time very interesting. We are discovering that for many of us, working from home is not only possible, but for some people preferred. Most of the services Reportex offers have traditionally been in person, but we had to adapt and start to offer them virtually, which was easier than one might have thought. I wonder, once the pandemic is over, how much of this “virtual world” will come with us. While I believe that access to justice and healthcare as well as other essential services can certainly be advanced by virtual technology, will we be as connected if we no longer make an effort to be face to face?
The best thing I have discovered with my running, is quiet mornings with gorgeous views. 09:00:002022-07-23 14:18:01Connect Series: Meet Erin Monahan our Business Development Director!
Reportex, All-Star by Reportex and Island Reporters are preparing to reopen our offices on July 6th. There is much work to be done to ensure that all PPE and safety protocols are in place. We are right in the thick of phase 2 here in British Columbia, and our leadership and IT teams are watching, planning and adjusting our approach to ensure we meet – even exceed – best practices.
Remote Services:
Please note, our IT Team is always here to ensure your safety and security during all virtual and live discoveries, trials, hearings and other proceedings
Behind the Screens: Meet our IT Team
When our offices first closed on March 23rd, Reportex’s leadership and IT team immediately shifted focus to remote proceedings. We’ve conducted dozens of webinars and private tutorials on conducting remote discoveries and mediations and we’ve researched and tested numerous videoconferencing platforms. Over the past few weeks on the Reportex blog we’ve been discussing various tips and tricks and providing security updates to help keep our clients – and their witnesses and documents – safe and secure while working remotely using Zoom, Webex and MS Teams.
We’ve all gained far more experience and confidence using these tools than we ever imagined we would need this year. With the heavy lifting mostly behind us now, we’d like to turn our attention to the faces behind the screens and introduce you to our virtual technicians.
The past few months have been challenging for all of us, both personally, and professionally. This has been particularly true for our IT Team. Within two days they had our entire office staff working from home and then they were immediately launched – catapulted, really – into training, facilitating and troubleshooting remote proceedings. Add to that the constant stream of questions and requests from hundreds of clients and the ever-changing security updates and requirements across the various platforms and you’ve got a serious hair-straight-back (or beard-straight-back, as our systems director Brandan Berry would say) situation for our technicians, day after day.
In order to keep ahead of these rapid changes, our IT Team has been sprinting a marathon. They’ve been starting early, working late and foregoing precious weekends, tirelessly ensuring that Reportex continues to be the industry leader that our clients and team can trust to keep them working securely and efficiently.
Both as a team and as individuals, they’ve hit it out of the ballpark – we aren’t going to be shy about it! We are so incredibly proud and appreciative of our extraordinary IT Team at Reportex and want to give them the special shout-out and recognition that they deserve!
And so, without further ado, please meet our amazingly talented, charming and generally awesome Reportex IT Team:
Brandan Berry, our amazing Systems & E-Trial Director
Currently watching or reading: Space Force (Netflix) Pineapple on pizza? (yes or no): no… never… should be illegal Favourite hot sauce: Home made Sweet/Smokey/Spicy Mayo (Real Maple Syrup, Liquid Smoke, Sriracha, Real Mayonnaise) Top 3 phone apps: Imgur, RIF is Fun, Putting the phone on Silent (setting, not app) Top tech tip: Just because there is an update for your software doesn’t mean it is a good idea to update. Always confirm what changes they applied as it might affect your work flow or break something unintentionally. Only time you should update is if it fixes a bug, adds a worth while feature to the application that you want to use, or for security patches. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Jake Jaffe, Trial Coordinator & E-Trial Tech
Jake joined Reportex in 2020. Prior to joining Reportex, Jake was a practising attorney in New York City, where he focused on personal injury and insurance coverage litigation. Outside of his 6-year stint in New York, Jake has lived in Vancouver since birth. In his spare time, Jake enjoys performing music, running, and crosswords.
Currently watching or reading: Insecure, Ozark, Top Chef Pineapple on pizza? (yes or no): YES! (but only as part of a Hawaiian) Favourite hot sauce: Heartbeat Blueberry Habanero Top 3 phone apps: Slack, Twitter, Spotify Top tech tip: When in doubt, Google almost always has the answer you’re looking for.
Kiran Deol, Appeals Coordinator & E-Trial Tech
New to the team! Be sure to read Kiran’s blog post on Zoom Tips & Tricks here.
Currently watching or reading: Binge watching Modern Family (Netflix) Pineapple on pizza? (yes or no): Yes! Favourite hot sauce: Valentina Red hot sauce Top 3 phone apps: Instagram, Pinterest, Slack Top tech tip: Make sure your internet connection is good enough to support Zoom. Recommended speed is 25 mbps and download speed is 5 mbps. This can be tested at
We would also like to take this time to welcome Max K, our Digital Content Director, back to work, and welcome Stuart Blackie, our new in-house IT Support Tech, to the Reportex team.
Currently watching or reading (and platform): Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness Pineapple on pizza? (yes or no): Pineapple on pizza is a Canadian classic and as an immigrant to this country it’s one of my favourite bits of Canadiana. I tweak Sam Panopoulos’s original 1962 recipe by ordering it with pineapple and sausage. The acidity of the pineapple does a great job of cutting the fattiness of the sausage. Favourite hot sauce or condiment: Recently I’ve been enjoying El Yucateco Black Label habanero sauce. The peppers are charred, which gives it a really smoky flavour. Top 3 phone apps: Google Drive, Adobe Scan, Mini Motorways Top tech tip: My top tech tip is to use the built-in Windows keyboard shortcuts to speed up how you work. The Windows key and the arrow keys snap your current window to one side (filling up exactly half the screen), maximize it, or hide it. Windows+E will open a new Explorer window, while Shift+Windows+S will let you snap a screenshot that can be pasted or marked up and saved. Check out the full list for some other handy features!
Stuart Blackie, IT Support Tech
New to the team!
Currently watching or reading (and platform): The Sopranos (DVD) Pineapple on pizza? (yes or no): Yes, always Favourite hot sauce or condiment: Chipotle Tabasco Top 3 phone apps: Reverb, Podcasts, Instagram Top tech tip: Like most things in life, Google can help you out of confusing situations. 20:27:172022-07-23 14:18:38Behind the Screens: Meet your IT Team at Reportex
Meet our Operations Director/Realtime Court Reporter, Leanne Kowalyk. Leanne joined the team in 2014 and has since been an irreplaceable asset to the Reportex team.
A highly skilled and experienced realtime court reporter with a background in mentoring newly graduated court reporting “grasshoppers,” Leanne (in addition to her work in Canada) has extensive experience working on a variety of international arbitrations, high court and American depositions throughout Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines.
When not at the office, Leanne enjoys competitive dragonboat paddling, non-competitive curling, doing multi-day hikes and hanging out with Milo, her four-month brown mutt.
We recently interviewed Leanne on our theme of ‘connection’ and to see how she was making out during these challenging times. Here is what she had to say:
How have you found meaningful ways to connect with your work during these challenging times?
Taking time during my work days to step away and regroup mentally has strengthened my clarity and focus and processing abilities. I feel this has allowed me to better apply myself in my role and assuage the burnout I was feeling pre COVID-19.
Have you found a way to connect with your community during these challenging times?
I have been connecting with family and friends over Zoom during this time, and we have been getting our weekly (ish 😉) take-out to support our local businesses (and breweries!) I have found people are much more social when I am out walking with my puppy, which has helped me feel more connected to my community. We have even had people asking us to walk by their house/establishment regularly so they can watch little Milo grow!
How have you connected with yourself during these challenging times?
I have attempted to work regular meditation and yoga into my schedule, which doesn’t always happen, but when it does I find it makes a big difference in my day. I have also been embracing the quiet and solitary time that I don’t normally have in my life to reflect, refresh, enjoy a cup of tea and just breathe.
Also while spending so much time on Zoom and thus experiencing the dreaded Zoom fatigue, I am trying to spend more time “unplugged” when I am at home, either reading, playing crib with my hubby, being more creative in the kitchen, etc.
Speaking about connection generally, is there something specific that inspires you about this idea?
While taking advantage of the time to connect with myself, I do feel a weight slowly lifting. I enjoy my work and life more when I feel rested and balanced and more able to apply myself to the task at hand. I feel inspired to keep that going post COVID.
I am acutely aware of how I am choosing to spend my time while everyone is staying home, who I am connecting with and why I am choosing those specific individuals. It gives me a chance to reassess my own value system and priorities, both in relation to my work and my personal life.
We thank Leanne for her time!
Check back in next Friday when we will be featuring Business Development Director Erin Monahan.
Effective May 30, 2020, you must upgrade your Zoom account to version 5.0 in order to attend any meetings. You can check your current version of Zoom by going to the main screen (before you log in). At the bottom of the page you will see the version that you are currently using. If you do not have the latest version of Zoom, you will be asked to upgrade by your Reportex Technician, as failing to do so will result in technical issues.
Zoom meeting Tips
These tips will help you prepare for your upcoming zoom meeting.
Please remember that a dedicated Reportex technician is always available on our remote proceedings to assist with any technical issues that might arise.
Internet Connectivity
In order to have the best possible Zoom experience, you need to start with an appropriate internet speed to avoid lagging.
If possible, use a hardwired connection (as opposed to wifi).
Zoom recommends a 25 mbps download speed and 5 mbps upload speed. You can test your connection at If your speed does not meet these parameters, you should contact your internet service provider to discuss your options to upgrade your speed.
Avoid running multiple applications while attending a Zoom meeting, as this can slow down your internet speed significantly.
Avoid running Zoom (or any other conferencing platform) through a VPN or virtual desktop, as this can create connection and audio difficulties. Instead, join the Zoom proceedings locally on your computer.
Sharing Documents Onscreen
Zoom allows users to share documents right on your screen for everyone to see. Follow these tips to create a smooth experience for everyone:
Always ‘stage’ the documents you want to put to a witness. Having them open as PDFs (or in a folder on your desktop that is readily accessible)
Sharing documents will allow everyone in the meeting to see the specific document
Sharing your screen will share your entire screen, including your toolbars, desktop and whatever program/document/website you have open
Note: Reportex suggests sharing documents rather than sharing your entire screen as you may have sensitive documents open (such as your examination questions).
In order to replicate as close to an in-person proceeding as possible, please do the following to facilitate clear video and sound:
Avoid sitting in front of a window to avoid creating a shadow. Instead, try to have a window in front of you or beside you. If you must have a window behind you, add a lamp to your work area for added light.
Do a test at to ensure your webcam and mic are functioning properly
If you are connected via multiple devices, mute one of them to avoid echoing
If you do not need to speak, mute your mic so that there is no background noise
MS Teams Reminder
The Provincial Court recently announced the approval of MS Teams for trials.
A step-by-step guide to appearing in a MS Teams proceeding and surrounding etiquette can be found here.
While at Reportex we prefer to use the Zoom and WebEx platforms, we are prepared to support our clients using MS Teams. We will be offering firm training sessions on MS Teams for clients who are required to use that platform for court or any other remote proceeding. To book a MS Team training session, please contact us today and we will be happy to assist.
Kiran Deol, Appeals Coordinator & E-Trial Tech 09:00:002022-07-23 14:18:39Mandatory Zoom 5.0 Upgrade, Zoom Meeting Tips & MS Teams Reminder