Reprinted with the permission of Mike Murray, Director of Client Solutions, and This article was originally published January 12, 2024.
Learn about how new technologies are shaping the legal industry in the article, “The Rise of AI in Court Reporting Technology,” by Mike Murray, Veritext’s Director of Technical and Creative Solutions. Murray Murray2024-01-19 10:54:402024-01-19 11:03:44Featured Article: The Rise of AI in Court Reporting Technology Sauriol Sauriol2023-01-17 16:57:342023-01-17 16:57:36We are excited to announce Mainland Reporting is now part of Veritext.
What’s better than a cold Abbotsford cider on a hot sunny day?
Joining forces with another incredible team!
In the spirit of continuing to build a strong, sustainable court reporting community across Canada, we are thrilled to announce that Richards Reporting is now part of our Veritext Canada team!
As you know, Richards Reporting, led by Diane Richards, has been operating for over 30 years in the Fraser Valley, servicing clients throughout the mainland of British Columbia with the utmost excellence and we’re thrilled to partner with them.
Access to an extended team
Rest assured, you will still be working with the same exceptional team of reporters that you know and love and will have access to more boardrooms, integrated legal technology and efficiencies to enhance your litigation practice.
Our focus is always to provide an incomparable experience for clients and this collaboration is incredibly exciting. We look forward to continuing to shape the future of court reporting in Canada, together.
2022 is off and running, and despite the seemingly unending gloom from COVID restrictions and fears, we are going full steam ahead with our visionfor the future of our new national branding as we transform into Veritext (Canada).
Our vision includes a few improvements to our blog and the type of content we share with you. Over the next few months you will see news and updates about legal services and legal technology, not just for our clients’ benefit but for our partners and court reporters across Canada.
We want this site to be your go-to for all your needs when it comes to staying on the cutting edge of legal tech and how it is influencing the world of court reporting.
Watch this space for information about our partners across Canada and the specialized services they offer.
Watch this space to learn more about the highly trained court reporters that work with us.
Watch this space to see more learning opportunities for our clients and court reporters.
We welcome any input about what you need to know more about when it comes to our services and how we can help you. 10:44:002022-07-23 13:21:51Watch This Space for Our Vision of the Future
A Letter From Christy Pratt, Regional Vice President, Canada-West – Veritext (Canada)
With 2021 firmly in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to step into this new year with a fresh perspective! We’ve all become somewhat of virtual experts in this new virtual world, and this way of living and working isn’t just an interim solution — it has taken on a life of its own.
The legal and court reporting communities pivoted in record time back in 2020, and we spent 2021 ironing out the kinks and building and improving connections — both literally and figuratively — because we needed to. In fact connection was our team’s mantra for the year.
I see 2022 as the year where we get to choose how we work and live, where we get to celebrate our ability to make decisions without restriction. 2022 will afford us the freedom to work from home or from somewhere else because we want to and we can. The world we left behind in 2020 is long gone, but what it gives us is the opportunity to shape our future.
The vision I hold for our industry is that the technology and virtual opportunities that we have firmly embraced are going to serve us extremely well into the future, and the opportunities to utilize smart, effective tech connections are only going to get bigger and better. We’ve all seen what is possible — what can happen — when we are inspired to get creative and find new ways to connect. Now it’s time to build on this powerful foundation, to continue to adapt and shift and to see what other extraordinary court reporting initiatives and flexible e-solutions we can bring to the Canadian market — and to the world. 09:29:002022-07-23 13:22:24Envisioning the Path Forward
Back in January of 2021 we introduced you to our own revolution or (R)evolution as we called it because that better reflects not only the growth and additions to the services that we offer but how we as a team are managing it all. We feel we are not just adapting to the ‘new normal, but rather pushing forward and creating it.
As we look to a new year now, let us take a brief look at our vision for the last year and review some of our (R)evolution posts.
The first was from January 2021.
The next one was posted the following month and explores the values behind our (R)evolution.
The next post is from August of last year and highlights the value behind our new partnership with the Veritex family.
And the last one I will share is our (re)introduction to our e-solutions services as technology is at the heart of all that we offer to our clients.
Our goals for 2022 are that we continue to align as a community, sharing our expertise, finding ways to provide mentorship and opportunities, and especially helping to sustain this incredible industry for years to come. We continue to face challenges both in our legal system and in our world but we’re also on the cusp of some exciting and innovative developments across the board.
Happy New Year to you all. 11:00:002022-07-23 13:22:48A look back at our (R)evolution so far
On this eve of a special day for many and as the year rolls slowly to a close, many will reflect on what we have left behind. Sadly, thanks to this terrible pandemic this may be extremely painful for many. However, here at Reportex, 2021 did bring about many exciting developments and news, and thanks to that we now can look toward a new year with enthusiasm for what these developments will bring for us and for court reporting across Canada.
In this light, we asked some of our leadership team to look into their crystal balls and share their feelings on what 2022 will bring us.
Leanne Kowalyk, Director of Court Reporting
My thoughts are that as we glide into 2022, we will learn to collaborate across the country as one team, work through interprovincial designations and build communication structures between offices. I’m excited to integrate our teams of staff, reporters and editors and see those new relationships bud and grow into a strong nationwide team. I also hope that by the end of next year we will have streamlined some of our platforms and services across the country.
Kim Neeson, Regional VP, Eastern Canada
My 2022 crystal ball says more Zooming ahead! While we start to creep back into “normalcy,” the pandemic seems to have other plans for us, now with the Omicron variant. While we wait for people to get their booster shots on board — or maybe their first shots! — we’ll continue to provide services remotely for at least the winter months. The pandemic has had its silver linings for us — getting lawyers on the tech track much faster than any of us could have done trying to move them one at a time and having the ability to demonstrate that remote litigating does work, and works well! And that’s good news for all of us in the reporting world, where our reporters can spread their wings and provide services to a number of our clients in various regions.
Look for more opportunities, especially in realtime as more clients become exposed to this technology and appreciate its value. If you’re a reporter who hasn’t made the realtime plunge yet, now’s the time! 2022 is your year!
Megan Ejack, Director of Marketing & Communications
My hope for 2022 is that we continue to align as a community, sharing our expertise, finding ways to provide mentorship and opportunities and especially helping to sustain this incredible industry for years to come. We continue to face challenges both in our legal system and in our world, but we’re also on the cusp of some exciting and innovative developments across the board. So in my opinion, now is the time to come together to work to create a better and more hopeful future for everyone.
And from all of us to all of you, we wish you happy holidays and a safe and wonderful new year.
Much like the Second Industrial Revolution, a phase of massive development largely based on technological advancements and a new worldwide connection, our (R)evolution is marked by a similar tone.
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” — Matt Mullenweg
The justice system may sometimes be criticized for its notoriously slow pace and often strained resources, but legal technology is one area that is providing some major support to the courts through continued exploration and development.
Anyone who has been involved in legal tech over the past decade or so can attest to the fact that we have come a very long way in a very short time (especially in legal industry terms). From coast-to-coast new technology is being tested and unveiled in various levels of court in an effort to provide better access and more efficient proceedings. As we continue to explore new ways to innovate, our team is focused on developing legal solutions that ensure better access through tech that connects — no matter where you are.
It’s all about connection.
As we continue to highlight our e-solutions and legal services across the country, next up in our series is our customized court bridgesolution, a specialized service that provides authorized virtual access to the courtroom.
The court bridge frees up both time and resources in expediating a court proceeding by setting up videoconferencing for witnesses to attend remotely in a streamlined and supported manner. Not only does it aid in more efficient scheduling, but it also ensures a smoother process as a whole. Our team will handle the details so you can maximize your time.
“Taking care of the facilitation of videoconferencing of remote witnesses to the court allows our clients to free up their valuable time needed for trial prep. We don’t simply just provide SIP dial‑in info, we actually liaise with the court and fill in the necessary paperwork on behalf of our clients. The process can be cumbersome for our clients, so we provide a valuable service in the facilitation of these requests. Our videoconferencing/bridging service has helped to bridge connections between local courts and witnesses as close as Vancouver and as far as Singapore.”
— Zach Bragg, Complex Litigation Manager (Reportex, a Veritext Company)
We invite you to click here to learn more about this service and review the possibilities.
Stay tuned for more e-solutions as our(R)evolution continues to unfold and follow us on social media for more tips and tricks to stay connected!#techthatconnects #therevolutioncampaign 08:36:002022-07-23 13:25:16Bridging the Gap – Court Bridge Solution
Introducing our new way to save your sanity — meeting and work space for your new normal.
Many of us may have adjusted to working from home, virtual meetings and downsized office space over these past many months, but this doesn’t always work for every situation, and that’s where we come in!
Introducing our new corporate room rental opportunities to help with your professional workplace essentials. Whether you need a stylish space for an in-person meeting or event, a tech-forward setup to host virtual calls or just a quiet place to work, we can help.
Our Vancouver offices have over 20,000 square feet of beautiful meeting space and the flexibility to safely accommodate both individuals and groups of up to 30. Our boardrooms are designed to create effective in-person, virtual and hybrid connections, with staff and technical support available — whatever you require.
Supporting our industry as things continue to evolve and change is paramount, and this is one way we can offer some new options to our clients and friends. We’ve been saying it all along — we are in this together.
Visit our new information page to learn more about our professional amenities, custom-designed for your comfort and convenience, or contact our operations manager, Casey Dickinson, to explore your options. Hope to see you soon! 11:28:022022-07-23 13:25:58Corporate Boardroom Bookings — Now Available at Reportex!
We are thrilled to be working with Kim Neeson, our connection to Toronto and the east. As regional vice president for Veritext Canada (East) and principal/founder of Neesons, a Veritext Company, she leverages over three decades of court reporting experience, technological insights and dedication to her clients. Kim Neeson is one of the nation’s foremost experts in advanced-technology reporting and CART. Over the years Kim has been an active member in organizations such as NCRA, STAR, CSRAO and Lawyers Feed the Hungry, and she is a fellow of the Academy of Professional Reporters. Kim is a CSR (in both Ontario and Alberta) as well as an RPR, CRR and CRC. She recently became a certified coach, obtaining her Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential.
Can you share with us how you became a court reporter and what led you to found Neesons?
I originally wanted to be a lawyer, but at the time I was thinking of it, the profession had too many lawyers! My aunt knew someone who was a court reporter. I met her, saw that little machine, and I was hooked.
I created Neesons as a place where I could put my technology-forward thinking to work (this being the mid 90s, when realtime was still in its relative infancy) and create a top-of-class court reporting firm where we’d do lots of high-stakes litigation with the best-in-class court reporters around! I wanted to become a niche business with clients who appreciated the kind of services we could deliver.
Is there a trial or experience that you feel made a big impact on you and how you view the role of a court reporter?
I have been privileged to work on many important pieces of litigation over the years, such as the overturning of the wrongful conviction of Steven Truscott, the trial of the Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel (where I used my first PC and CAT software!) and the first cross-border trial ever conducted in the Nortel Networks bankruptcy, where Neesons provided much of the technology and realtime in two different jurisdictions. Court reporting was such an important part of all of these cases, and I was so honoured to be a part of history in the making. There aren’t too many careers out there where you can say that!
As Veritext expands west, what are your thoughts on this new phase of growth?
I’m super excited to bring together east and west. It’s about time! As many of the larger law firms have become national in scope, I’m so pleased that through Veritext we’ve been able to become an almost national court reporting firm. I think this uniquely positions us in the legal industry and will present for us new opportunities of growth and exposure.
How do you see this new unified national team helping better service the legal industry across Canada?
Christy and I share a passion for bringing technology to the legal industry. I see us being able to bring about even more change and enhancement to the litigation experience for our clients, with access to our expertise and know-how no matter where they are in Canada. Discoveries in Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto? No problem! One-stop scheduling. One team. One vision.
Veritext’s corporate values are respect, ethics, collaboration, accountability and professionalism. Can you tell us which of these values resonates most strongly with you and why?
I don’t know that I could pick one of these values alone. I believe in and have practiced all of these values in my life, both personally and professionally. When I built my business, all of these values played a role. In fact I was spurred on to start my own business when the freelance firm I was working for didn’t have these values. I wanted to create that space where these values would be lived. I believe that by embracing our differences, we are stronger as a whole. Maybe I’d add a value: inclusion.
Wellness and self-care are important to our team. Do you have a favourite way to recharge or any tips for staying healthy mentally and physically?
I am lucky to have an escape from the city in Blue Mountains, Ontario. So I get out and hug a tree pretty often. I also love to take my fur baby, @JaxLaxthePWD, out for long walks on the trails we have here.
As a reporter I learned the importance of looking after your body — it does take a beating, writing on that machine all day — and so working out, stretching and doing yoga and Pilates are all a part of my routine. Keeping those upper body muscles loose and stretched is just so important! 09:53:482022-07-23 13:27:24Meet Kim Neeson, Regional VP, Eastern Canada